Weekenders and other stuff

Enjoying Mother's Day

A few more shots just for fun!

Springtime in our yard!!!

New template that puts two photos in one!
 I love this shot of the flag in the mirror.

We've driven by here before and wondered....  so I took a couple of shots, mostly so I could go home and look it up online, sure enough, there is a story behind the image!  http://www.houseatstonehead.com/

The East Fork of the White River floods every so often!  Unbelievable!

A week or so ago we saw this old bridge on our way back from Crothersville and took a few pictures, boring!  But we thought how cool it might look with a prop or two ~ here are the results!

This is a house we pass every day on our way home from work.  We finally had time to make it by there to take a few pictures and add a few free textures from Kim Klassen Cafe ~ http://www.kimklassencafe.com/thecafe/a-matter-of-focus.html

Just a couple of pretties from our yard!